[Published on nef.org]

Khadidiatou Sall
NEF ambassador Senegal
Khadidiatou is a young Senegalese molecular biologist who studied in France at Pierre and Marie Curie University and in the United States at Oregon State University. Dr. Khadidiatou SALL has worked in the field of science promotion among young people within several scientific organizations: Les Petits débrouillards and Planètes sciences in France and CodingKidz in the United States.
She taught there and produced educational content for universities, high schools, elementary schools, the Interdepartmental Syndicate for the Sanitation of the Parisian Agglomeration (SIAAP), science museums (Cité des sciences de Paris and Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland). Through his journey, she has developed an international network in the field of the promotion of science education and in the world of open source and innovation. Aware of the major interest of such activities for the emergence of Senegal and Africa, it created SeeSD to share its experience and know-how with young people by adapting it to the Senegalese context. It is indeed convinced that teaching science and technology to young people, from an early age, based on practical examples, is the best way to familiarize them with these fields and to encourage many vocations. she created SeeSD to share her experience and know-how with young people by adapting it to the Senegalese context. It is indeed convinced that teaching science and technology to young people, from an early age, based on practical examples, is the best way to familiarize them with these fields and to encourage many vocations. she created SeeSD to share her experience and know-how with young people by adapting it to the Senegalese context. It is indeed convinced that teaching science and technology to young people, from an early age, based on practical examples, is the best way to familiarize them with these fields and to encourage many vocations.