
Senegal: Partnership Agreement between BNDE and SN3DCOVID19
Published by financialafrikIn pursuit of Covid-19 response actions, BNDE recently signed a partnership agreement with SN3DCOVID19, an association with the objective of: the establishment of a voluntary and local supply and production chain of medical equipment for health personnel with free distribution of all items produced. This partnership...
African Science Week coverage on TFM TV
African Science Week: Children in Science School.
African Science Week: the presence of UVS marked by an exhibition – demo of four students from M.A.I.
By Mamadou Alpha SANE for UVS.SNFour students from Université Virtuelle du Sénégal (UVS) enrolled in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science animated, on the occasion of the African Science Week at the Place du Souvenir in Dakar, the institution’s stand with an exhibition on connected objects.Their names are Papa Thiam SY, Daddy DIENG, Mamadou...

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