
How junior scientists can land a seat at the leadership table
By Kendall Powell for nature. Early-career researchers bring energy, talent and diverse voices to leadership and advisory roles. Alfredo Giron-Nava didn’t spot many peers at the inaugural meeting of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development. Read this article on
The Analysis of Hormone-dependent Transcription Factors and lncRNAs in Seeds by RNA Sequencing
By Khadidiatou Sall for the completion of her PhD thesis at Oregon State University Abstract : Seed dormancy is defined as the inability of viable seeds to germinate under conditionsotherwise favorable for germination. Dormancy provides a strategy for seeds to germinateat an appropriate time. Abscisic acid (ABA) is a major hormone involved in the...
Rising stars: Grayson Doucette and Khady Sall
by James Dacey for Physicsworld The future for US science lies with today’s generation of early-career researchers. Earlier this year, Physics World caught up with delegates at ComSciCon 2017 – a national workshop on science communication – to learn about their career hopes and the challenges they face in chasing those dreams. We also get their...
SN3DCOVID19: Collective citizen engaged in the fight against COVID19
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